apush scoring calculator

What is Apush Scoring Calculator?

Apush Scoring Calculator is a tool designed to help students calculate their scores on the Advanced Placement United States History (APUSH) exam. The APUSH exam is a standardized test that assesses a student's knowledge of US history, and is typically taken by high school students in the United States. The exam is scored on a scale of 1 to 5, with a score of 3 or higher indicating that the student is qualified to receive college credit for the course.

How Does Apush Scoring Calculator Work?

Apush Scoring Calculator works by inputting the number of multiple-choice questions a student answered correctly, as well as the number of points they earned on the free-response section of the exam. Once these numbers are inputted, the calculator will provide an estimated score for the student based on the APUSH exam's scoring rubric. This can be a helpful tool for students who want to gauge their performance before the official scores are released.

Why Should You Use Apush Scoring Calculator?

Using Apush Scoring Calculator can be a valuable tool for students who want to get an idea of how they performed on the APUSH exam. By inputting their scores into the calculator, students can get an estimated score that can help them determine whether they should retake the exam or pursue other options for earning college credit. Additionally, Apush Scoring Calculator can help students identify areas where they need to improve their knowledge of US history.


Q: Is Apush Scoring Calculator Accurate?

A: While Apush Scoring Calculator provides an estimated score based on the APUSH exam's scoring rubric, it is important to note that it is not an official score. The calculator's accuracy may vary depending on how accurately a student inputs their scores, and the calculator's estimation may not reflect the official score that a student receives.

Q: Can Apush Scoring Calculator Help Me Get College Credit?

A: Apush Scoring Calculator is a tool designed to help students estimate their APUSH exam score. While a score of 3 or higher on the APUSH exam can qualify a student for college credit, it is ultimately up to the college or university to decide whether or not to award credit based on a student's exam score.


Apush Scoring Calculator can be a valuable tool for students who want to gauge their performance on the APUSH exam. By inputting their scores into the calculator, students can get an estimated score that can help them determine their next steps. Whether a student is looking to retake the exam or pursue other options for earning college credit, Apush Scoring Calculator can help them make informed decisions about their academic future.